30 June 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: High School Reunion

I went to my high school class' ten-year reunion, and I probably won't go back to the next one. That's all I'll say. Too many memories I don't want to relive were relived. I like the idealized version of high school in my head way better. Anyway, few subjects lend themselves to great comedy like the high school reunion. (If mine had been filmed, you would certainly have laughed.) And there are so many to choose from.

29 June 2016

Blind Spot 2016: Fellini's 8 1/2

"...But we intellectuals, and I say we because I consider you such, must remain lucid to the bitter end. This life is so full of confusion already, that there's no need to add chaos to chaos. Losing money is part of a producer's job. I congratulate you. You had no choice. And he got what he deserved for having joined such a frivolous venture so lightheartedly. Believe me, no need for remorse. Destroying is better than creating when we're not creating those few, truly necessary things..."

23 June 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: School Competition (Not Sports)

This one was hard. I couldn't think of many. I had to really stretch it. Probably because, I think school, I think sports. I also think choir or singing competitions, but I just have a feeling that Pitch Perfect and its great sequel (both of which I LOVE) will show up a lot today. I have one of those though. An even better one.

21 June 2016

Catching Up with Blind Spot 2016: Tokyo Story and Singin' in the Rain

April: I watched very few movies. I was quite busy. My plan was to watch Ozu's Tokyo Story, as it is perennially considered one of the best movies ever made. (Ha!) So, I put it on...for about half an hour. Then, I decided that I would actually rather go outside and watch the grass grow. Sorry. But this is my second attempt at this film, and I just can't do it. I get the uniqueness of Ozu's style. I can appreciate what he did for cinema in that regard. But it is just....so....fucking....painfully....slow...., which is not always a deterrent for me. It was for this one.

May: I was even busier. I didn't even try to watch my May pick, the Gene Kelley musical Singin' in the Rain. But I did watch it in mid-June. It's the shit! Here's my Blind Spot reaction:

20 June 2016

The List: The Sandlot

Some movies just stick with you. The nostalgia makes each viewing greater. David Mickey Evans' 1993 film The Sandlot is one of those, made even better by the fact that it is actually about nostalgia. 

17 June 2016

On Home Video: The Witch

I'm a scared little bitch boy when it comes to horror movies. Granted, I was really busy with work when The Witch did its short run in theaters around here, but I could've gone, and I could've gone to see Green Room as well. I ultimately talked myself out of it due to the fact that, well, go back to the top.

16 June 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Store/Supermarket/Mall Movies

My inclination is to pick movies largely set in a store, like Clerks, for example. That crossed my mind first, but then I thought of something when I looked at the multiple possibilities for this week's theme. It dawned on me that I might pick a movie that features a store or a supermarket or a mall as a place that serves to help the character(s) grow in some small way, that connects to the overall theme of the film itself. And then, I thought, How about one of each?

That's where I'm at this Thursday, another great day for Wandering through the Shelves' Thursday Movie Picks. This week's theme, of course, Store/Supermarket/Mall Movies.

15 June 2016

Baseball and a Movie: A 30th Anniversary Screening of Ferris Bueller's Day Off

There is a scene in the 80s teen comedy classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off in which the title character and his two partners-in-crime go to Wrigley Field for a Cubs game in which they are playing the Atlanta Braves. They talk about how they should be in gym class but instead simply enjoy our nation's original pastime.

09 June 2016

Thursday Movie Picks: Immortals

First thought: Vampires. Second thought: Let me try my best to not go there. Third thought: Well, there is one Vampire Movie I love to death (pun intended), so it will be so. Fourth thought: What about time travel? Does that count? I'm pretty sure Doc Brown is immortal... Fifth thought: That's way too much to think about. Sixth thought: I'll just go with my gut.

So, it's Thursday, a mild one for June here in East Tennessee with 85 as the high, and it's time for another entry in Wandering through the Shelves' Thursday Movie Picks. This week's theme: Immortals.

07 June 2016

Missed Masterpieces: Three Films of Jeff Nichols

Over and over throughout last year, I kept hearing about this movie coming out, a movie which lay in wait for whatever reason for more than a year, Midnight Special, the new film from Jeff Nichols, a filmmaker I'd been hearing about for years but kept missing.