11 October 2015

In Movie Lines: September 20 - October 10

Movies I've Watched

Late September/Early October 2015


Dir. Ivan Reitman, 1984

In honor of Bill Murray's birthday, the wife and I dusted off our old Ghostbusters DVD and loved every minute of it. 

"Wrong again! Today is not your day." - Dr. Peter Venkman

Moonrise Kingdom
Dir. Wes Anderson, 2012

Oh, how I love this movie. It is just so perfect and loving and lovable. Got the beautiful new Criterion Collection Blu-ray. It looks so amazing. 

"In particular, I recall his fascination with the idea of retracing the original path of the old Chickchaw harvest migration...What I'm getting at is this: I think I know where they're going." - Narrator

Dir. David Fincher, 1995

Making my way through the feature films of David Fincher for my upcoming Directed by post, which, for those of you who don't know, is my series of retrospectives on my favorite filmmakers. 

"I just don't think he's our guy." - Det. Somerset

Gone Girl
Dir. David Fincher, 2014

And, since it was our 2nd wedding anniversary, we decided to do a trip down lover's lane with the most twisted couple in movie history. This may become a thing. We saw it in the theater on our anniversary last year. 

"Cool girl is fun." - Amazing Amy

Little Miss Sunshine
Dir. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, 2006

I forgot how totally pleasing this movie is. I also forgot how well-written, directed, and acted it is. Steve Carell and Alan Arkin, especially. 

"She's a super freak." - Rick James


Dir. Steve McQueen, 2011

As addiction movies go, Steve McQueen's Shame is easily one of the best. It is so for two reasons: Michael Fassbender's intensity and Steve McQueen's will. Never before have I wanted a filmmaker to cut away so badly. Not only do we see things we shouldn't be seeing but we are also forced to look at it. This is not a bad thing...at all. And it is gut-wrenching, uncomfortable, mesmerizing, painfully sad, and brutally emotional. I'm with the consensus though. Glad I saw it. Won't soon watch it again, despite that redhead I too want to stare at to the point of discomfort. 

The Martian
Dir. Ridley Scott, 2015

Finally some fun in space. Check out the review I did for Pop Depravity

Dir. Denis Villeneuve, 2015

Is there anybody not on the Benicio Del Toro for Supporting Actor train? Check out my review over at Pop Depravity

Spring Breakers
Dir. Harmony Korine, 2013

I'm actually in love with this film. Even if you hate Harmony Korine's work, it's hard not to admire what he does. I've seen Kids, which he wrote. Powerful but dirty and too hard to watch. I've also seen Gummo. Really dirty and actually gross but lasting and even sometimes beautiful when I think back on it. With Spring Breakers, he's actually done the impossible. He has made a stupid movie about stupid people (though they are people that do exist, which is the best part) that works as a satire and a crime drama and is quite simply one of the most visually stunning films I've ever seen. And I can't get that damn Britney Spears song out of my head for the life of me. Look for a full review this week. It deserves one. 

The Numbers

I have seen 172 movies this year so far. 

Re-Watched - 64

First-Timers - 108

What have you been watching?


  1. I did NOT care for Shame. Too obtuse, too self-consciously artsy, and really nothing new to say about addiction. Sure, Fassbender and Mulligan do good work, but to what end?

    Spring Breakers was totally impressive and I have been really negative on Korine's other films. But there was something going on with this one - a more assured handling of tone, and wicked amazing camera and sound work. And of course, James Franco's ballz to the wallz performance.

    1. I felt that a bit with Shame as well, specifically the "self-consciously artsy" aspect. Yet, I couldn't help but appreciate its willingness to force us to look at this guy's sordid life, like, for real.

      The camera work and editing and sound and soundtrack and James Franco. Everything about Spring Breakers works and it just really shouldn't.

  2. Great batch of flix here. I haven't seen Ghostbusters yet (I know) but I will someday. Happy 2nd Anniversary! I can't believe your a marital baby. I don't know why I just assumed you'd been married for a while now.

    SO MUCH YES to the Moonrise Kingdom love. Heads up, my final post (for this year) drops on Friday, and it's my Top 100 Favorite Films list...and Moonrise Kingdom ranks pretty high :-D

    1. Holy Shit! I can't wait for that post, dude. And I will miss your posts so much. I hope you'll at least drop by here every once in awhile. Love Moonrise Kingdom. Looking forward to seeing where you put it.

      And, man, you really need to see Ghostbusters. Not sure how you made it through childhood without it. And, yes, Amanda and I have been dating/living together since '10 but we only got married in October '13. So, we're not newlyweds but sort of are. Haha.

    2. Yeah, I will be stopping by when I can, for sure! And I'll still be on Twitter, so feel free to say hi anytime you want :-D

  3. Happy (belated) Anniversary! You watched a lot of great films so far.

  4. I watched Being John Malkovich a couple weeks ago. Confusing, yet amazing.

    I watched 3 films by British director Mike Leigh: Life is Sweet (amazing); Naked (powerful & unforgettable); & Career Girls (excellent; Mike Leigh's most underrated film).

    Last week, I watched Me & Earl & The Dying Girl. Amazing. Definitely one of my favorite films of 2015 so far.

    I watched Robert Altman's classic film The Player tonight. Brilliant, definitely his best film.

    Within the upcoming week, I plan to watch The Descendants (which I've been wanting to watch for a really long time), The Ice Storm (which I've heard is one of Ang Lee's best films), & Shallow Grave (Danny Boyle's first film).

    I also am planning on seeing Steve Jobs when it comes out in theaters on Friday. It is a film that I can't wait for, & I think it may be a huge Oscar contender.

    Also, I am now a huge collector of Criterion Collection films. I currently have 20 Criterion films on my Must-Watch List.

    Also, I just bought the Criterion Collection Blu-ray of Moonrise Kingdom. It is such an amazing film, & it needed the Criterion release. It's definitely Wes Anderson's best film. I just love that film so much

    And finally, Happy (belated) Anniversary!

    1. Buncha good stuff there. I am severely lacking in Mike Leigh. Need to get on that.
